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Tehama County Repeat Offender DUI Lawyer

The penalties for a DUI charge in Tehama County and throughout California are extremely severe, especially if you are someone who has recently been charged with a third or subsequent DUI offense, which is why you should strongly consider hiring a knowledgeable Tehama County DUI lawyer who can work to obtain a favorable outcome on your behalf. We know that people make mistakes, and we also believe that being charged with a crime does not mean that you are a criminal. No matter the circumstances of your case, if you’ve been charged with a DUI, you can depend on Cohen Criminal Law to be your staunch advocate through every step of the legal process ahead. Contact our firm to schedule your initial consultation today.

Do I Need a Tehama County Repeat Offender DUI Lawyer?

Even if this was only your first offense, you’d need a criminal defense lawyer to fight on your behalf. Therefore, it goes without saying that if this is your third or subsequent DUI offense in California, you cannot afford to proceed without the legal services of a knowledgeable Red Bluff criminal lawyer on your side. Attorney Cohen has represented countless individuals who’ve been charged with DUIs for over 30 years, and he is ready to put those years of experience to work for you.

Penalties for a Third or Subsequent DUI Offense in California

If you are charged with a third or subsequent DUI in California, you will be considered a repeat offender, which means that California courts will seek to punish you as harshly as possible. Some of the consequences for a third-offense DUI in California are as follows:

  • Anywhere between 120 days and one year in county jail
  • A potential three-year driver’s license suspension
  • A potential $1,800 fine
  • Mandatory participation in a court-approved DUI program for at least 30 months
  • A potential probationary period

If you have any further questions, or you are currently facing a third or subsequent DUI within the last 10 years, our firm is here to help.

Contact Our Tehama County Repeat Offender DUI Lawyer

Third or subsequent DUI offenses can affect a person for years to come, and at times, they can follow a person for the rest of their life, especially after obtaining a criminal record. Our firm is ready to do everything in our power to defend you from such charges. Contact Cohen Criminal Law today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm so we can begin mounting the best defense possible on your behalf.

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